Some folks have emailed wondering how I got some earlier images that seem taken underwater yet still triggering flash above water. I have been using some fantastic gear by AquaTech to get these unique perspectives.
Here is a recent shot from floating in a snowmelt river using an AquaTech D300s housing and an SB900 housing. As far as I know AquaTech is the only company that makes housings like this for flash, fully sealed hard shell housing with electronic ports to connect to the camera housing or a Pocket Wizard remote housing. Brilliant gear, I couldn’t get these images without it. I attach my Flex TT1 transmitter to the hotshoe inside the SB900 housing. I have to unscrew the hotshoe mount so my transmitter can fit inside. With this attached and connected to the underwater housing, I can shoot over/under images still using high speed sync.
I’m not recommending submerging yourself in a rapid, but that is about what it takes to get a good angle of the action. I just slide out to where the current is as much as I can take, and shoot away. The other key is working with a phenomenal kayaker. I’ve been shooting with Patrick for years, and he knows exactly what we are trying to do in the photograph, vital to make these shots happen.
Once again I used an Elinchrom Ranger, ‘S’ head and Pocket Wizard Hypersync to get this image. You have to shoot really fast to freeze all the flying whitewater. In this case I used 1/2500 of a second.
Tech: Nikon D300s, 10.5 fisheye lens. ISO 200, 1/2500 at F5.6. Elinchrom Ranger and ‘S’ head used with sports reflector at a setting of 6.5 power. Pocket Wizard Flex system used for high speed sync. AquaTech D300s and SB900 housing used.