Fort Collins, CO.
I recently read some interesting blog posts from photographers photographing the Olympics. This photography is rough…..hours on the floor photographing, then back to your workstation to download, edit and upload select images to service bureaus and clients. The instant nature of news, social media and advertising has totally transformed turnaround times on images. Things have a to be done in a matter of hours or less, not days. Some photographers were streaming images during breaks in the events.
Did you ever wonder just how are these photographers able to process their images so quickly? One photographer mentioned how it works…..he said every photographer he has seen at the Olympics was using Photo Mechanic. This program is the fastest way to process images. No waiting on Lightroom to download. Just Boom! Photo Mechanic can browse your images quicker than you can scroll down the screen. I am teaching a wildlife workflow class soon, and we will talk much about Photo Mechanic.
Here is one of the coolest features in Photo Mechanic. You can scroll through images on the back of your camera, and if you like one, just ‘Lock’ the image or use ‘Image Protect’. Most cameras have a way to protect an image so it doesn’t accidentally get deleted. When you lock an image in camera you tag it in Photo Mechanic. So when you open up Photo Mechanic, all you do is go the menu and choose ‘tagged images’. You go directly to the images you have locked in camera. Every time I am on a bus ride or taking a quick break during a shoot I take a look at my images. I lock the images I like so when I open up the images later in Photo Mechanic, I don’t have to search the entire folder of images. Instead my favorite images are already tagged. Speed up your workflow, check out Photo Mechanic.