The holiday shopping begins! I’ll have a blog post of holiday gift ideas, but in the meantime, Singh-Ray filters are on sale, and they will be on the list. Wouldn’t it be nice to capture everything you saw in the landscape right in the camera? And when the photo contest comes up and says entries can’t be heavily digitally manipulated, you’re covered because your RAW file shows exactly what you captured, no heavy editing in the computer. Or maybe you are interested in shooting long exposures….really long exposures…in the middle of day. Filters allow you to do this, and create stunning images in the field.
Singh-Ray filters are in my bag every time I go out the door. I’m headed to Patagonia in a few days, and I have my polarizer, 5 and 10 stop ND, Galen Rowell 2 stop soft edge ND and an IR filter. Right now many filters at Singh-Ray are 20 percent off…don’t miss this opportunity to get one of these excellent quality filters.