I recently went to Wyoming with a friend to work on some new stock images. We found a fantastic location in the Medicine Bow Mountains. After shooting some available light images of Steve boulder hopping, I knew the image needed some light to spice it up.
We used two Elinchrom Rangers and one Quadra to light the shot. We used the standard reflectors, no grids or softboxes. This maintains the specular edgy look. The trick with this hard edged light is feathering the light so it doesn’t spill and overexposre the white rocks. To accomplish this we aimed the reflectors very high, almost up at the sky. It doesn’t even look like the lights are aimed at the subject. But as long as the bottom edge of the reflector is aimed at the model you will get light. In post production we darkened the sky and added a little Lucis Art. Tech: Nikon D3, 24-70mm, f11 at 1/200, ISO100.