I was recently in Arches National Park, and they have had a lot of snow and rain this spring. Rain can produce some interesting things to photograph in the desert including rainbows and reflection pools on the slickrock. But what I hadn’t seen before was a bright red waterfall. This little stream in the park only runs after a shower, but this time it was running really strong and bright orange due to the sediment in the water. I’ve seen some murky creeks after storms before, but this stream really had strong color. Despite the rain I set up with a rain cover on my camera, and used the Singh-Ray Vari-ND filter to get a slow shutter speed. This filter blocks from 2-8 stops of light, and is a great way to reduce light and produce slow shutter speeds in the middle of the day. Speeds up 30 seconds are possible even with sun. Tech: Nikon D3, 24-70mm, 13 seconds at F11, ISO 200.