I have been shooting a D4 for a few months now after finally parting with my D3. I have gone through every D single digit camera Nikon has made…they only get better. But the D3 was a landmark camera in terms of noise performance and speed. Could the D4 really be better. Yes!
I shoot a lot of fast moving sports and wildlife, so I always need a speed shooting machine. Take a look at the sequence above. 16 frames captured in one sequence; the D4 is practically on fire cranking out RAW files at 10 FPS. Focusing is instantaneous, and like previous versions this camera is a tank. I really like the improved grip for vertical shooting, and the larger files size is just right for my publishing needs.
I have shot the D4 at ISO 3200 and 6400, and the files are better than the D3. Did I mention built for punishment? I have been shooting in snowstorms a lot lately, and I never worry about the D4 performance. I also have been shooting skiing at 10 below and bouncing the camera around in my pack all day; the D4 just keeps on ticking. And kudos to Dave, the amazing skier in this image. I can only imagine the view he gets that high in the sky!