I have been using the Singh-Ray 10 and 15 stop ND filters a lot lately, and I am really impressed…these filters are as much about slowing down water as stretching tiny movements into creative blurs and building up colors. Above is a shot I took in Hvar, Croatia; about a 5 minute exposure. With just a little wave action, the boats turned into nice soft blurs. And a colorful sunset transformed into a super saturated one. Remember, 5 minutes of exposure will create colors you don’t see looking at a scene in ‘real time’. If the scene looks slightly colorful, chances are after a 5-10 minute shot it will look incredible.
In Sedona right now working on more slow exposures. Shot this iconic scene of Cathedral Rocks using a LB Color Polarizer and 2 stop soft edge graduated ND filter…gotta love the desert light!