It is hard to keep up with all the new features that get updated in Lightroom. I just keep hitting the update button when Adobe tells me to update. Sometimes there are noticeable changes, other times work is done on the back end and not so obvious. But this latest update added some terrific new features and changed the position of an adjustment slider.
Dehaze Slider: this slider has been a hit since it was introduced, but why was it buried so low down in Effects? Well, no longer. Dehaze now lives right in the basic panel, in the presence sliders. You can find it right below Clarity, and this makes workflow quicker since you aren’t scrolling down to Effects.
Creative Profiles: In the Develop Module, under Presets, you now have more choices of color effects. Just roll your cursor over the effect to see what it looks like in the Navigator window.
Adobe Raw Profiles: This is similar to using a third party plugin that offers various effects, except now it is in Camera Raw. In the Profile section on the right side just above the Temp slider, click Browse in the drop down menu. This will present over 60 preset choices for one click magic! Classic profiles as well as BW and others are included.
If you want to keep up with all the LR updates, go to this link. Have fun using these new tools!