I just walked in the door from teaching the AMS photo workshop in Kauai, and I am still shaking the sand out of my hair. We had an incredible trip…huge waves on the north shore, helicopter rides over the Napali coast, portrait sessions with world class surfers. This island is very dramatic with steep cliffs, lush scenery and massive waves crashing on the rocks. This trip was also my first chance to try out the 15-Stop Mor Slo filter by Singh-Ray.
This image about sums it up. Silky water, stretched out clouds, interesting light. This filter allows you to shoot 30 second exposure during the middle of the day for some very creative results. I used it both to slow down the crashing surf and to transform clouds into silky shapes. Check it out at Singh-Ray.
I have been to Hawaii many times, and every time I go I try to photograph the rare endemic Nene goose. On other islands this goose is hard to find, but on Kauai this goose is easily seen and photographed. I found a pair the Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge that lined up nicely for an image using my 500mm F4.