Tis the season to be shopping! Many companies are offering sales right now, here are just a few to help with your shopping for the holidays!
Elinchrom. I use Elinchrom lighting gear all over the globe on shoots, and it performs perfectly. I love the new ELC lights…and they are on sale!
KelbyOne. These guys are great, and they are the leader in photography training videos. A new video ever week will keep you busy during the winter months!
Lensbaby. I have been using a Lensbaby from the earliest versions, and they are just plain cool! These days I find myself using the Composer Pro with Edge 80 optic. I love the miniature effect!
Lowepro; My favorite travel photography backpack is still the Flipside Sport 20L. This pack can carry all my gear, has a great suspension system, and has room for my Macbook Air. The rain cover keeps things dry when it get nasty out. Many of their packs are on sale now.
Manfrotto. My lighting gear wouldn’t be complete without Manfrotto. And if you are looking for a new tripod, check out these deals.
Nikon. Yep, you can never own enough Nikon gear. They just keep coming out with great cameras and lenses. Lucky us, they have great sales right now on lots of gear, check it out!
Really Right Stuff. I counted on a recent workshop how many participants were using RRS plates and head; 75 percent of the group. Need I say more.
Singh-Ray Filters. I always have Singh-Ray filters in my bag, especially a polarizer and a 10 stop ND filter. These filters have resulted in some of my best landscape images. Great gift idea.