Every photographer wants to create better images and figure out their style. What separates their work from the rest of the pack? What style of images do you like to shoot? As photographers we all have free time, and man is it easy to find other activities to fill the day instead of going out and taking a few images. But I have learned one thing about my own photography; I didn’t find my style, my style found me. And I developed my style when I had free time to experiment and shoot subjects I wanted to shoot, not ones on an assignment. I think it is very important to always have a personal project, and flex you creative genes and hone camera/lighting technique during those ‘slow’ periods. I’ve learned through the years that the process is as important as the end result. I might not create images I like all the time, but mistakes contribute to style as much as successes. Days are getting longer and summer is fast approaching. Will you be shooting on your free time, or thinking about shooting on your free time? Grab a camera and head out the door and see what happens. You might be surprised.