We have a local pond that is being drained for development, which is unfortunate that another open space in our town is going to be developed. The short term silver lining is as the water goes down, hundreds of fish are being revealed. And with fish come eagles; yesterday we saw 30 bald eagles in Read More
Adobe Fonts
Quick tip Monday…It is nearing the time that everyone is sending out holiday cards, and many photographers create their own cards. After choosing your image, the next step is adding some text. Many photographers know about the simple dropdown box that shows you all your text options. But did you know if you are a Read More
Attract birds to your yard
I’ve been hooked on bird watching, and bird photography, since I was in my teens. I drove my parents crazy asking them to buy more bird food, plant bushes the birds would like, and creating brush piles in the backyard where ground birds could hide. But even with 10 feeders hanging all over the yard, Read More
Nikon Refurbished Sale
Hope everyone is getting out and photographing the fall colors. Colorado is in full color, including some great fall aspens in Rocky Mountain National Park. And just in time Nikon is having a huge sale on their refurbished gear including both DSLR and mirrorless systems. Here is the link. Other interesting news is Topaz Denoise Read More
Nikon Z TC-1.4x teleconverter
I sometimes feel like a broken record talking about the new Nikon Z mount lenses. Everyone I have reviewed has been fantastic to unbelievable in acuity, especially on the edges and corners. Gotta appreciate that new design that allows improved sharpness in these lenses. When it comes to teleconverters, one rule holds true. A teleconverter Read More
Maximizing Depth of Field
Depth of field is important in all types of photography. While portrait and wildlife photographers might want very shallow depth of field for a tight headshot, landscape and travel photographers often want as much depth of field as they can get. We all know that by closing down to smaller apertures like F16 or even Read More
Red channel graduated ND filter use
We are in the middle of our online creative camera craft class right now, and one of our goals was to discuss topics that we felt many photographers may not know. One of those topics is RGB graduated ND filter use. What is that, you ask? With cameras recording more dynamic range, and graduated filters Read More
Beyond the Rule of Thirds
I still vividly remember teaching my first photo class. It was 1987, and I had my trusty Nikon FM loaded with Kodachrome 25 slide film. Can you imagine shooting ISO 25 film? Honestly, I don’t know how we did it, but I still have slides in my files that look great. Just the other day Read More
Holi Powder Shoot
I have been working on an editorial assignment this week for Digital Photo Pro Magazine, and had some entertaining behind the scenes moments I thought I would share. Check out Digital Photo Pro. This magazine is packed with great articles and info. Every issue I learn new tips, and I love seeing the inspirational photos Read More
The Dandelion Challenge
Name one flower that almost everyone has in their yard, or in a nearby park, and a good answer is the notorious dandelion. This ‘weed’ keeps many people busy in their yards all year. Cree goes to war all summer trying to keep these ‘flowers’ out of our yard. But since we have been focusing Read More