Last spring I wrote on this blog about how to set a control button on your D810 to bring up the flash control window with one click. If you were using the popup flash as a commander, this gave you one click access to the flash control window to adjust your flash setting. Recently I Read More
SnapBridge available for iPhone
If you own a D5 or D500, and use an iPhone, you have been anxiously waiting for SnapBridge to work with your phone. SnapBridge connects your phone and camera via bluetooth to allow direct transfer of your images to your phone. In other words, you can post quicker onto all those social media outlets. I Read More
Rogue grids and softboxes
Rogue has been putting out some great speedlight accessories recently, updating and adding to their extensive line of products. I have been using their XL Pro Reflector, grids and their large flashbender (as a snoot) with great results. They recently added a soft diffusion screen to put over their XL Pro, creating nice soft light. Read More
Figuring out the best light on your trip
Most photographers travel to get their images, sometimes to a nearby town, other times to the other side of the globe. But how do you know when that Barvarian castle is going to be in the best light? I use an app called Light Trac. Basically you punch in the name or address, the date, Read More
Speedlight modeling light
I was recently on a portrait shoot and was talking with my assistant about how convenient a modeling light is for portraits and landscape flash. If I want to make sure my flash is aimed perfectly at my model’s face, using a modeling light will show me where my flash will hit. The same can Read More
D500 impressions
I’ve been shooting the D500 all summer, and I thought I would share some impressions on this ‘mighty little camera’ from Nikon. I’ve shot thousands of images with this camera from Indonesia to Alaska. On one assignment in Alaska I shot over 4000 images using the D500 for variety of subjects from portraits to wildlife. Read More
SB5000 wireless compatibility
I really enjoy getting questions from readers of my blog about topics I post. A photographer friend just sent me an email asking if it is possible to trigger an earlier speedlight such as the SB900/910 using the SB5000. The short answer is yes. Take a look at the photo above. The SB5000 is in Read More
Two minute portrait
I just returned from weeks shooting assignments in Alaska; over 13,000 images. One of my assignments was for a tourism bureau photographing a variety of activities, places and people. A typical day might start out at sunrise (4am in Alaska, ouch!) photographing moose, then onto some nice scenic mountain vistas. Next up is photographing a Read More
A good reason to use multiple exposure.
I love multiple exposures. I used to figure out equations and exposure times back in the day with film cameras, but now all you do with a Nikon body is go to the shooting menu, choose multiple exposure, set the number of frames and shoot away. The camera figures out the exposure and seamlessly puts Read More
Nikon SB5000 review
Speedlights have been critical to my work as long as I have been shooting. The portability and power in such a small light is amazing, and fills a nice lighting niche before bumping up to more powerful studio lights. When Nikon introduced the SU800 in 2005, wireless flash took off. With the SU800 you could Read More